
Software Engineer

My name is Brian Bell and I am a current software engineer who received both a B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from Virginia Tech. I have a profound interest in full-stack development, machine learning, human-computer interactions, and everything in between. I hope you enjoy the site I have created.


About Me


I am a current software engineer with both a B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from Virginia Tech. My educational journey has been marked by outstanding achievements, including being a New Horizon Graduate Scholar and actively contributing to IEEE Software Journal. Through positions as a Graduate Research Assistant and Graduate Teaching Assistant, as well as involvement in clubs such as the AI & ML Club and 'Code World, No Blanket' Research Group, I have honed my skills and passion for innovation.

Proficient in Java, Python, JavaScript, and C, with hands-on experience in Linux, Unix, Windows, and Macintosh, I've contributed to notable internships at Raytheon Intelligence & Space and Berkley Alternative Markets. My projects, like the GPT-4 Powered Resume Analyzer and Keyword Data Analyzer, reflect my commitment to cutting-edge technology and problem-solving. As a past elected officer and chair member of the German Club Fraternity, I've demonstrated strong leadership capabilities. My blend of technical expertise, leadership skills, and passion for innovation positions me as a valuable asset for any dynamic team.

Contact Info

Name Brian A. Bell
Phone (+1) 540 294 5407
LinkedIn brianbe11
Address 5250 Three Notch Rd. Louisa, VA


  • Virginia Tech, College of Engineering
    ( Aug. 2022 — May 2023 )

    MS in Computer Science

    Accomplishments: New Horizon Graduate Scholar, Dean’s List, IEEE Software Journal Submission

    Positions: Graduate Research Assistant, Graduate Teaching Assistant

    Clubs: AI & ML Club, "Code World, No Blanket" Research Group, German Club Fraternity, Entrepreneurship Club

  • Virginia Tech, College of Engineering
    ( Aug. 2019 - May 2022 )

    BS in Computer Science

    Accomplishments: UTC Aerospace Systems Scholars, Jerry H. Ballengee Scholarship, Dean’s List

    Positions: Mathematics & Computer Science Tutor

    Clubs: AI & ML Club, CS Squared, German Club Fraternity, Entrepreneurship Club

Software Engineering Experience

  • NASA (via Raytheon)
    ( May 2022 — Aug. 2022 )

    Software Engineer - Intern

    Contributed to the NGAP team's efforts in creating NASA-compliant cloud infrastructures by leveraging AWS services including S3, EC2, Lambda, IAM, and CloudWatch. Engaged in agile processes, collaborating seamlessly through Atlassian tools like Jira and Bitbucket for effective project management. Played a pivotal role in simplifying deployment processes and enhancing efficiency by assisting in the migration to cdktf, reducing complexity and streamlining maintenance. Leveraged Python-based orchestration to create an intuitive onboarding experience.

  • Berkley Alternative Markets Tech
    ( May 2021 — Aug. 2021 )

    Software Engineer - Intern

    Employed JavaScript frameworks alongside JSON to optimize dynamic web application features, enhancing user experiences. Streamlined account management by automating permission data extraction from CSV/JSON sources using Python. Orchestrated real-time web access control through Flask and JSON capabilities, ensuring efficient and secure access management.

Academic and Leadership Roles

  • Virginia Tech, Department of C.S.
    ( Jan. 2023 — May 2023 )

    Graduate Research Assistant

    Collaborated with Dr. Brown and Dr. Lee to delve into the intricacies of the technical interview process for both Computer Science students and software engineering job seekers. Our primary objective was to gain profound insights into this process, focusing on areas such as interview structure, commonly asked questions, candidate behaviors, cognitive capability, confidence, and the correlation between interview performance and preparation. To achieve this, I conducted interviews and surveys with 131 participants, meticulously analyzed the data using quantitative and qualitative methods, and examined existing research to identify flaws in current interview practices. This experience enriched my understanding of academic research, deepened my insights into how companies evaluate technical skills, refined my coding abilities, and improved my technical interview skills. Sharing my research with IEEE Software Journal and Virginia Tech's Computer Science department and the integration of my findings into the work of two professors further underscored the significance of this endeavor.

  • Virginia Tech, Department of C.S.
    ( Aug. 2022 — Dec. 2022 )

    Graduate Teaching Assistant

    As a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the computer science course CS 2114 - Data Structures and Algorithms I, I played a pivotal role in instructing and providing support for sophomore-level students. My responsibilities encompassed teaching, conducting office hours, grading assignments, and performing various academic-oriented tasks. Through this role, I contributed to fostering a deeper understanding of data structures and algorithms among students, ensuring their successful progression in the field of computer science. The positive feedback I received from students further affirmed the impact of my teaching and guidance in helping them grasp complex concepts with confidence.

  • GERMAN Club Fraternity
    ( Aug. 2021 — May 2023 )

    Elected Officer

    Successfully orchestrated a range of events, including the annual Leadership Summit, Public Speaking & Interview Prep Seminars, and Internship Matching Program, fostering leadership development within the German Club Fraternity. Served as the primary liaison between the German Club Alumni Foundation (GCAF) and the club, while actively contributing to philanthropic initiatives that supported diverse causes such as communities in need, mental health awareness, breast cancer awareness, and educational support to underprivileged children.

  • Chegg Inc.
    ( Oct. 2017 — Jan. 2021 )

    Private Tutor

    Provided extensive academic support to students, covering a wide range of subjects such as Mathematics and Computer Science. My guidance encompassed topics including Data Structures & Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles, Java programming, and Python basics. This diverse range of assistance empowered students to build strong foundational skills and excel in their studies.




Git & Github



As a proficient programmer, I have diligently mastered the intricacies of Object-Oriented Programming, possessing a solid grasp of essential concepts like Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism. My expertise primarily lies in Java, where I have gained substantial practical exposure. However, my skill set extends beyond Java, encompassing diverse programming languages such as Python, C, JavaScript, and Scala. Furthermore, I am adept in utilizing version control systems to manage collaborative coding projects effectively. My familiarity with scripting languages like Bash and proficiency in AWS further underline my capacity to deliver comprehensive solutions. This combination of knowledge and hands-on experience positions me well as a new Computer Science graduate, capable of contributing effectively to software development initiatives.


Featured Projects

I am

Brian Bell a Programmer a Teacher an AI Enthusiast